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Avoid Freezing Pipes

Frozen pipe

Like last year, temperatures are again reaching single digits.
Just because you have not had any problems since you have lived in your home, doesn’t mean you won’t now. Everyone is at risk….regardless of how new your home is, however, homes built before the 80’s are particularly susceptible.

Biggest risks (in order of incidence of problems)
• Exterior faucets (aka “hose bib”)
• Pipes in Crawl spaces
• Pipes in garages or other unheated spaces
• Pipes in exterior walls

EVERYONE should do ALL the following:

1. Main Shut Off: Know where your main water shut-off is to your home. There are TWO locations, ONE is INSIDE the meter box by the street (you need a special tool…)…and the other should be (Basement) just inside the exterior foundation wall, where the main water line enters from the street or (Crawlspace) in the crawl or next to the water heater or (Slab) next to the water heater.

2. Outside Faucets: Find the inside valve or “cut-off” to all exterior faucets and shut them off.

• Often located near the wall, drop ceiling or cabinet where the faucet is located but also can be a distance away near a utility area.

• Valve is usually a circular handle, (“tighty-righty” & “loosey-lefty”) but can be a lever (lever shut off position is at a 90 degree angle to the pipe)

• Once the inside valve is shut off, OPEN the faucet on the OUTSIDE. This will allow any water in the pipe to exit and leave none to freeze.

• If it’s “too late” and you are already frozen….grab a hair dryer, extension cord and some mittens and heat it until it the outside faucet opens up.

• Insulate or wrap the outside faucet/hose-bib

• Hardware stores sell a half-sphere Styrofoam deal that attaches to your faucet.

Most should also do the following:

1. Leave your water running on the INSIDE faucets. If it’s going to be single digit temps, do a slight run, not just a drip.
2. Open any interior cabinets where there is plumbing at an exterior wall…This is usually a kitchen or bath. This will allow more heat in where plumbing is.
3. Crawlspace or other less insulated/conditioned areas: be sure all pipes are insulated.

Sealing your home

Weather stripping

As temperatures drop, energy bills can climb higher.  Take a walk around your home and check the weather stripping on doors and windows.  Also, check to see how well the trim (on the exterior) around doors and windows is sealed (caulked).  Making improvements in these areas is cheap and easy enough to do yourself.

Additionally, check the temperature of the hot water in your home.  You can do this by using a basic meat thermometer and just hold it under the hot water faucet.  Hot water need be no hotter than 125 degrees.  If it’s hotter than this, your energy expenses will lower as you lower the temperature.

News from LG&E

LG&E Service





At LG&E, we’re dedicated to providing you with safe and reliable power, but we need your help when damage occurs that causes you to lose power. We count on you to make the necessary repairs to any customer-owned electrical equipment so we can restore your power as quickly and safely as possible. If you have overhead electrical service, the diagram to the left illustrates the parts of the electric service that are considered your responsibility as well as those that are our responsibility.

Customer responsibility

Contact a licensed electrician to repair these areas.

  1. Weatherhead/masthead. The vertical pipe-like structure attached to the top of the meter box.
  2. Meter base, which is the box, meter socket and any wiring inside the box.
  3. Items or cables that secure the masthead and/or box to your home.
  4. Attachment point (eyebolt, etc.) that secures the electric service drop.

LG&E responsibility

If you find damage to any of the following areas, call us and we will make the repairs.

  1. Electric distribution poles.
  2. Transformers.
  3. Electric lines within the right-of-way.
  4. Service drop. This is the cable that runs from the utility pole to your home.
  5. Meter (glass-enclosed


you are required to notify LG&E if you have installed or plan to install a generator that runs on natural gas for use during an electric power outage? Doing so will help us to provide an adequate supply of natural gas to serve you when you need your natural gas-fired generator. Contact our Customer Service Department for additional information or to notify us of your current and future plans for a natural gas generator.

Home Energy Rebates

bag_o_moneyWhen you consider how you use energy at home, up to 70 percent of your energy usage may be attributed to heating, cooling and appliances. If you plan to make upgrades in these areas, we want to help make these largest energy users even more affordable for you.

Our new Home Energy Rebates Program offers monetary rewards ranging from $50 to $300 to help LG&E and KU residential electric customers offset the purchasing costs of certain ENERGY STAR® qualified appliances, high-efficiency HVAC systems and qualified window film.

For more detail:

Ten Things You Should Know About Mold

1. Potential health effects and symptoms associated with mold exposures include allergic reactions, asthma, and other respiratory complaints.
2. There is no practical way to eliminate all mold and mold spores in the indoor environment; the way to control indoor mold growth is to control moisture.
3. If mold is a problem in your home or school, you must clean up the mold and eliminate sources of moisture.
4. Fix the source of the water problem or leak to prevent mold growth.
5. Reduce indoor humidity (to 30-60%) to decrease mold growth by: venting bathrooms, dryers, and other moisture-generating sources to the outside; using air conditioners and de-humidifiers; increasing ventilation; and using exhaust fans whenever cooking, dishwashing, and cleaning.
6. Clean and dry any damp or wet building materials and furnishings within 24-48 hours to prevent mold growth.
7. Clean mold off hard surfaces with water and detergent, and dry completely. Absorbent materials such as ceiling tiles, that are moldy, may need to be replaced.
8. Prevent condensation: Reduce the potential for condensation on cold surfaces (i.e., windows, piping, exterior walls, roof, or floors) by adding insulation.
9. In areas where there is a perpetual moisture problem, do not install carpeting (i.e., by drinking fountains, by classroom sinks, or on concrete floors with leaks or frequent condensation).
10. Molds can be found almost anywhere; they can grow on virtually any substance, providing moisture is present. There are molds that can grow on wood, paper, carpet, and foods.

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